The Lemley's

The Lemley's
Our first family picture

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Break

This is Spring Break week! On Monday we tagged along with Mom while she was RV shopping. It was a nice day and full of giggles since we were lost most of the time. We were headed to Carthage to a camper place but it wasn't in Carthage it was more in Joplin. Oh well we found it after a while and then she test drove a camper and we rode along. Which was pretty comical also. Those things are bumpy and can make you sea sick very easily. Anyways we had a great day all in all. Thankfully she saved me from cooking dinner since we didn't get back to town till 5 and I had laid nothing out thinking that we would be back long before dinner.  So today I had to catch up on laundry and I had to grocery shop. I was really looking forward to the grocery shopping. HA! After all that I was able to squeeze in a mile walk around the park and then the kids played. I really didn't do that much. We did huff and puff around the track though. It felt nice to be exercising but dang I am so lazy. I am not sure I want to do it again. HA!

On Tuesday nights we do Family Fun Night. The last several weeks we have been watching the Bible Series on The History channel. There has been some pretty neat scenes. The parting of the red sea being my favorite so far. Anyways we were talking about Herod and his illness and Rowdy said "Doesn't he have that cheetah stuff?" We both cracked up. Tonight's episode was all in all good. You could pick these to pieces on things but I feel that maybe they are reaching people that don't know God and this will get them into Church to learn more and be saved. We have been studying The Book of Revelation and it has been very eye opening. I am very anxious to see how that is portrayed and I hope that they don't try to lessen the blow. It is not going to be pretty for the unbelievers. I know where I stand. Do you know where you stand?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Blog, What blog?

I am a blogger now. To bad I never remember to blog. I have thought about it several times over the last few days but haven't sat down long enough to do it. So what has happened in our lives over the last few weeks. Let's see. We bought a car for Kris. I call it his hoopty. It's a 2 door Buick regal. We are currently looking for a disco ball for the rear view mirror. HAHA It has a rug on the dash which really cracks me up. I told Kris that he needs vacuumed which made me laugh more. It seems to be a good little car and he is fine with driving it so all is well. The best thing about the car is no payments! YEHAW! We own the hoopty free and clear. So that is pretty much it for new things but it is spring break this week. Let the gardening begin! We are going to till up the garden this week and then I am going to start several things here in the house. Mostly tomatoes. We will see how that goes. I figure that if it goes south then we can always buy the plants later.

I am happy to say that I am still doing the NO POO. It is working well. I don't itch like mad all the time but I do on occasions. I can live with that. I am still flaky so I still have the psoriasis but its not irritated all the time. Meanwhile I went yesterday and got my hair cut. I didn't do anything drastic just a trim. I was torn on getting layers or just leaving it and just leaving it won out. I didn't do the layers. Would like to have it a bit longer then get layers. It drives me crazy when I cant put all my hair in a pony tail without hair falling down. Oh and they yanked by eye brows out. I hadn't been to the salon since May or June. WOW! The best part of the whole salon visit was that Paisley got her hair cut into a bob. It looks adorable and it fits her sassy personality to a T. I love it!!!

Well last night was a weird night. Kris nor I could sleep. We were both up till 2 am. Very odd for us cause we are not late night people. Anyways I got up with Paisley around 8 (Thankfully she slept in) then I waited till about 9 and started cooking breakfast. Kris got out of bed when he smelled the bacon haha. We ate a great breakfast of french toast and bacon. Then we got started on our list of chores for the day. Kris mowed the yard and I started on the garage. He stopped me from further cleaning when I got to his fishing tackle corner which was TERRIBLE. We got the lawn mowed, garage cleaned and Kris got to break in his new smoker/grill that I surprised him with earlier this week. Rowdy and I decided that Kris needed a surprise for all his hard work in taking care of us and so we found a good price on a small smoker/grill at Wal-Mart. We had grilled last weekend but the leg fell off the grill while in use and so we had to toss it. This replaced it and it was a very nice surprise for Kris. So we seasoned that today and then grilled some chicken wings. It was yummy. I am not a fan of wings because they seem slimy to me. They were grilled really good though.

Well till the next time y'all.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's my Birthday and I'll cry if I want to....

Today is my Birthday but I am not crying in the least bit. Now if Monday had been my Birthday then crying would have been exactly what I did. I was pretty sure that my throat and ears were being cut off by some cruel individual they hurt so bad. Let's start at the beginning. I woke up Saturday morning and my chest hurt. Like the kind of hurt that when you breath in cold air it feels like you swallowed needles. Well I took some medicine and went on about my day. By the time Sunday rolled around I knew there was no way I could go to Church. Boy, am I glad that I didn't. I would have infected the whole Church. I stayed in all day and pretty much just laid around and slept. Monday morning I woke up and felt even worse. So much so that I said I am going to the Dr. So I called and got an appointment at 2:30 in Gentry but I was hurting so bad that I was ready to be seen right then. So I asked Ronda to come and get me and see if I could go to the walk in clinic in Wal-Mart in Siloam. So she drives me to Siloam and guess what? The stinking place has moved and no one has a clue as to where. So we end up back at the house and she takes the kids with her to do her grocery shopping and I zonk out in bed. I am exhausted after the trip to Siloam and somewhat loopy from the pain. Very Strange feeling. Anyways at 2 my Mom comes back here and gets me and we head to my 2:30 appointment only to sit there for an hour waiting on the Dr. UGH! Slowest clinic in the world. Mom checked on why it was taking so long after 30 minutes and then I sprawled out on the couch(seriously) and then after another 30 minutes I staggered up to see what the hold up was. I finally got into see the Dr about 10 minutes later. So they weighed me and blah blah blah and took my temperature and said oh my your temperature is 101.2. I said ok. I mean really I have been here a blooming hour when I left the house AN HOUR ago it was only 100.5. So the nurse rushes around and looks for me some Tylenol. The clinic has NONE. Yes, I said NONE! I promise you after that they had me lickety split out of there! I was done in 10 minutes time. HA! They wouldn't shake my hands either....I don't get it. I kid I kid. I didn't try to shake hands with them. So after 2+ hours I finally get home, fed and off to bed I went. So in that long ramble the point is that even though I am NOT 100% better I am better than I was on Monday. I really had no plans of celebrating my birthday today anyways. Rowdy is quite concerned as to why adults don't have birthday parties like kids do. I believe for that reason alone he is in no hurry to be an adult. :) Well I gotta go. Sorry for my ramblings and if it makes no since. I cant type and make since at the same time so I don't try.

Never mind maybe I will just cry. UGH!!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Role model

Being a role model. This weighs heavy on my heart a lot. What kind of person am I teaching my children to be? I feel like I am doing a pretty good job of showing them how to be. I had a wonderful upbringing but there are things that I would have changed. Mostly going to Church regularly. I now see that finding a good church is hard to come by(not saying that was the issue) thus the reason we drive to our Church even living far away. I really try to watch what I do and say so that I am setting a good example. I strive daily to give Rowdy a firm foundation of God by studying the bible with him, giving him memory verses each week to both write and memorize, and by going to Church not because we have to but because we yearn to learn more about God. I really do think that Church attendance is so very important to raising a child. If we don't attend regularly then why should they go EVER? There is so much they can learn at Church about God and it makes it easy to come home and practice those teachings. I also strive very hard to give Rowdy the best education that I can. I did not have that great of an education and I really want him to have better. Oh, I had good teachers along the way but they didn't follow me all the way through school and help me along. I made good grades for the most part but when it came time to college I was VERY unprepared. So much so that I only went to the Community College for 1 year and was in tears for the most part through most all of that. I was in remedial course for everything. It was very disheartening to a mostly "A" student.I don't want that for Rowdy. I am really learning along the way and we are only at the beginning. I will be able to take college courses after I get done homeschooling and probably pass with no issues. I could careless about going to college at this point in my life. I have found my calling and I am truly content with it. I think my kids see my love for God, Kris and them among other family and friends. I am truly blessed but I know with God's help all these things can be improved and I am ready and willing for any changes in my spiritual life.

Monday, February 18, 2013


Is God still listening? How many times have I wondered that exact thing. I tell you that I couldn't count the times. I often get this silly feeling that He isn't and I have to remind myself that nothing is my timing it is ALL His timing. My devotions this morning was on just that. What perfect timing. I have signed up for the daily devotions on the Charles Stanley site and it seems that they hit home with exactly my feelings each day or at least remind me of God's will. This morning devotions laid heavy on my heart for my friend. I ended up forwarding her the devotion. I am sure that she has heard these things before but it hit home with me and reminded me that God perceives the WHOLE picture and we see the moment that we are in and the past situations. So our "valleys" that we maybe in now are really just God getting our blessing lined up for us. My heart aches for the family and the unknown that they are facing now. Even though prayers are not answered in our time it is such a peace to know that God is still right beside us the whole way and that we must walk in obedience to Him. 

Psalm 25:20-21

20 O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
21 Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.

I hope that this blesses you like it did me.

Friday, February 15, 2013

First thing that I am going to say is that I am so thankful for a pastor that preaches on finances. You know if we sat down and put pen to paper with our finances it wouldn't work out but we do always come through and all of our needs are met. I know that as long as our needs are met then our wants will come in God's timing not ours.I also love when I go to Church and am reminded that we are in God's will. I know that we are but that reminder is so helpful. I have a few people really on my heart to pray for and boy have I been praying my heart out. On Monday the need for prayer was feverish almost. I felt restricted like I didn't need to do much of anything else but pray. Isn't it wonderful how God works?
We went to our Valentine's day party with our Home-school group and we had a really good time. I cut out 44 mustaches and attached them to suckers and I think it was a great hit. We came home and I made heart shaped biscuits and Rowdy requested I make the sausage patties heart shaped too. So I did those then made gravy. My guys LOVE biscuits and gravy. I am not so big on it but they really like them. Then we played a short game of Monopoly. I know there really isn't such a thing as a short game of Monopoly. It was a start the game and in 30 minutes we are done. HA! That game is tiring.
Well that is all for now folks. Have a blessed weekend.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I am fixing to blog about my day with Paisley Sage. I will tell you that if you have a weird belly then you might not want to read any further.
Today Paisley pooped her pants and before I could get her changed she had a "ball of poop" in her hands. Thankfully I don't think that it made it to her mouth but I did not smell her breath to make sure. Rowdy and I later had a conversation about this and he thought it was weird that the poop had grown legs and walked out of her diaper but he followed by saying "There is a first time for everything". He said this whole growing legs thing because when he cant find something or something is where it shouldn't be then I always say "Well it cant grow legs and walk off". This was one of those Oh crud how many times have I said that to him and now he is throwing it back at me. So then she got a hold of two sharpies(still not sure where they came from) and she colored on her belly. She never colors on the walls only herself. I have yet to figure out my feelings on that part. Sharpie is hard to get off skin. Paint is easy to use on walls lol.  So a few hours after poop play she bit a hunk out of a stick of butter.(I thought I should say it was a few hours(which it was) after the poop thing since she may have eaten some and well then bit into the butter lol) This is not the first butter tasting she has had. I am pretty sure she likes butter. After the butter she found a dead fly on the floor and she picked it up to inspect it and well as she put the fly on her tongue the fly flew away startling her. She exclaimed OH. This sounds like I didn't try to stop her from eating the fly and well I didn't. She had it from floor to mouth in seconds. Our house is full of flies and I would be lying if I said that I was glad the fly flew away. HAHAHAHA! 
Needless to say my kids keep me hopping always and I am forever thankful for that.